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Our Vision


At Living Grace Baptist Church our vision is to become a Church where people Love to Fellowship and Grow in our Lord Jesus Christ.




Our Mission


We are a Church that is totally committed to:


  • The Great Commission

  • Transforming Lives



Our Values


At Living Grace Baptist Church we hold high regards to:


  • The Word of God

  • The Presence of God

  • Order



Pastor David Hambe-Manu
Mrs Doreen Hambe-Manu
In 2018, Living Grace Baptist Church was inaugurated as a new branch under Trinity Baptist Church, London England, which also witnessed the ordination of Pastor David Hambe-Manu.
It is his prayer and vision that God will enable him to make a difference in his generation through the power of the Holy spirit.
Matthew Chapter 9:37 and 38 {NIV} - Then he said to his disciples," The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. {38} Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out the workers into his harvest field"
Reading this bible verse over the years has inspired him to cry out to God for him to be used to make an impact in the Kingdom of God.
He also believes he has a ministry towards young people, to encourage and bring many of them to Christ in these challenging times with God's help.
Words from Pastor David Hambe-Manu:
'Like Daniel, I pray and seek excellence to make a difference in my generation. 
Like Joseph, I pray that I will live a life of purity and integrity'
In the Name of Jesus.
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